On Mac, you need to press Command + R to perform a refresh and this applies to the majority of the web browsers as well you are using on your machine. But using this shortcut on Mac shows a completely different result. Well, Mac users who’ve switched from Windows OS are accustomed to pressing the F5 Function Key to refresh the browser or a webpage. How To Refresh Page On MacBook Air ? | On Web Browsers These apps include the App Store, Podcasts, Music, and TV. You can refresh the browsers you are using or applications that show content hosted on a remote server. In case the content you are trying to access gets stuck while loading the page, you can perform the refresh action and resolve the unnecessary blocks.

If you decide you don't like your customizations, you can click Restore Default Shortcuts.Why Do We Need To Refresh our MacBook Air?

The selected entry will be highlighted in gray. To move between entries, use the up and down arrow keys.To jump to today’s date, press the T key.To move between days, use the left and right arrow keys.To refresh the timesheet window, press CMD+R.To show your favorites, press OPT+CMD+F (this is customizable in Preferences).To show the time summary, press OPT+CMD+S (this is customizable in Preferences).To hide/show the timesheet window, press OPT+CMD+T (this is customizable in Preferences).If the timesheet window is already open, you can also press just CMD+N.You can use this hotkey with any application open.To start a new timer, press OPT+CMD+N (this is customizable in Preferences).Here are some hotkeys we’ve included to make tracking time from your desktop faster: With a few keystrokes, you can navigate around your Harvest for Mac app quickly.