Run with the NH and the smaller configuration of the Taarup which mostly works fine but is quite a small wagon. Run with the Lely and the largest configuration of the Taarup which shakes while loading and looks a little goofy because the spout is so high. The Poettinger spout is also theoretically plenty tall for the sugar can trailers and for the Oxbo, but it won't hitch to any of them so I haven't figured out yet how to test with them. So I think that somehow the NH is registering that the trailers are too tall for its spout. The fact that the Poettinger will fill the trailer with the extensions kind of sort of makes sense visually, as the Poettinger has a much longer spout than the NH and reaches way higher above the trailer. Unfortunately it has a peculiar and constant shake to the trailer while it is filling which is a little jarring. The Poettinger hooks up to the Taarup, and will fill all three configurations of it. The NH will hook up to the sugar cane trailers and to the Oxbo, but it will not fill any of them. It does fill the smaller configurations that do not have the extensions. When you add the silage extensions to the Taarup, the NH will not fill it. It DOES actually work with the Taarup but only with the two smaller capacity configurations of it. I spoke too soon earlier when I said the New Holland would not work with the Taarup.

I only have corn that I can test on right now so I haven't tried the JD or the Lely. This is turning into quite the jigsaw puzzle. I've tried several of those combinations now. There are many end-dump trailers that work fine but I am trying to find a high-dump that works, as that is the way everyone chops silage in real life around here and I would like to simulate that. Has anyone found a different combination of trailed chopper and high-dump trailer that consistently works? There are a few options for each machine and I thought I would ask here first before going through and testing every combination. It says it accepts silage but the combination acts like the pipe on the 900 doesn't reach high enough because there is only a tiny spot I can find where it will actually trigger and allow it to blow into the trailer. Started with the Massey sugar cane trailer (sugar cane trailers seem to be just about the only high-dump option). Does anyone have a combination of pull-type silage chopper and high-dump style wagon that consistently works? I am running the New Holland 900 chopper and trying to get it to blow into a trailed high-dump wagon but it's not going well.